Intricate arabesques: the captivating laser-cut paper art of Julia Ibbini

United Arab Emirates-based artist Julia Ibbini creates mesmerizing arabesque sculptures using laser-cut paper meticulously painted with vibrant colors. Drawing inspiration from Islamic geometry, embroidery, and even electronic music, Ibbini’s intricate works blend traditional Middle Eastern aesthetics with a contemporary, almost hypnotic sensibility.

Each of Ibbini’s pieces is a testament to her technical mastery, as she skillfully manipulates the paper medium to produce repeating geometric figures, stars, moons, and Arabic calligraphy that seem to flow and undulate across the sculptural forms. The plant-based designs can be tiled or repeated endlessly, creating a sense of infinite pattern and rhythm that evokes the divine symmetry found in nature and Islamic art.

More info: Website, Instagram.

Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 1
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 2
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 3
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 4
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 5
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 6
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 7
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 8
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 9
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 10
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 11
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 12
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 13
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 14
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 15
Intricate And Colorful Arabesque Made Of Laser Cut Paper Julia Ibbini 16
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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