Incredible trompe-l’oeil constructions made from layers of plywood by Ron Isaacs

Ron Isaacs’ artistry with plywood transcends the ordinary, creating a mesmerizing fusion of sculpture and painting that challenges the viewer’s perception. His trompe l’oeil constructions are a dance of illusion and reality, where vintage garments, plant materials, and found objects are meticulously crafted from layers of Finnish birch plywood and then painted to appear almost lifelike.

Isaacs’ work is a poetic exploration of form and texture, inviting onlookers to ponder the delicate interplay between the natural world and the fabricated one. Each piece is a visual poem, sometimes evoking a psychological resonance that allows objects to take on new meanings and narratives in the eyes of different beholders.

More info: Artsy (h/t: Colossal).

Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (1)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (10)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (2)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (3)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (4)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (5)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (6)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (7)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (8)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (9)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (11)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (12)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (13)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (14)
Incredible Trompe L'oeil Construction Made From Layers Of Plywood By Ron Isaacs (15)
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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