Dory Whynot’s captivating watercolors blur the lines between human and nature, reality and dream. This New England artist, born in 1991, originally focused on oil painting but now delves into the ethereal world of watercolors. Her portraits are more than just faces; they are intricate narratives where human figures intertwine with elements of flora and fauna. Wispy feathers sprout like halos, delicate flowers bloom from skulls, and melancholy gazes hint at a deeper story.
Whynot’s work dances between the beautiful and the bizarre. Lush greenery surrounds skeletal figures, insects crawl across human faces, and wings erupt from shoulders. This juxtaposition of nature’s beauty with darkness and the macabre imbues her work with a haunting yet captivating energy. Whether it’s a single, expressive face or a complex, multi-figured composition, Whynot’s watercolors invite viewers on a journey into the depths of the human psyche, where nature reflects our anxieties and dreams in unexpected and unsettling ways.
More info: Website, Instagram.