Doctor life: figurative paintings by Sharon Madanes

Sharon Madanes is a New York-based artist and doctor, born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. She blends both talents to create marvelous scenes that depict her medical work and routines.

I’m interested in the contradictions and juxtapositions that fill the hospital setting; banality with life crisis; fast and slow time; autonomy and care; intimacy with strangers.

Sharon Madanes

More info: Website, Instagram (h/t: Booooooom).

Doctor Life, Figurative Paintings By Sharon Madanes (1)
Doctor Life, Figurative Paintings By Sharon Madanes (2)
Doctor Life, Figurative Paintings By Sharon Madanes (3)
Doctor Life, Figurative Paintings By Sharon Madanes (4)
Doctor Life, Figurative Paintings By Sharon Madanes (5)
Doctor Life, Figurative Paintings By Sharon Madanes (6)
Doctor Life, Figurative Paintings By Sharon Madanes (7)
Doctor Life, Figurative Paintings By Sharon Madanes (8)
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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