The multicolored surreal storms of Caring Wong

A selection of stunning illustrations of multicolored surreal storms created by Caring Wong, a Chinese architecture student and digital artist based in Paris, France.

More info: Behance, DeviantArt, Instagram, Tumblr.

A Purple Cats Dream

A Purple Cats Dream By Caring Wong

Back Home II

Back Home Ii

Burning Clouds

Burning Clouds By Caring Wong

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining By Caring Wong

Leave Me Alone

Leave Me Alone By Caring Wong

My Little Universe

My Little Universe By Caring Wong

Rainy Day In Amegakure

Rainy Day In Amegakure By Caring Wong

Running In The Storm

Running In The Storm By Caring Wong

Silent Blue

Silent Blue By Caring Wong

Summer Memory

Summer Memory By Caring Wong

The Student Canteen

The Student Canteen By Caring Wong

Waiting For A New Day

Waiting For A New Day By Caring Wong

Windy Night

Windy Night By Caring Wong
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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