Deconstruction of America: a critical view on the American society by Mike Campau

In a striking exploration of social ailments, Mike Campau uses his dynamic photographic compositions to delve into the intricate layers of American society. His series “Deconstruction of America” unravels the threads of corruption and systemic failures, painting a vivid picture of a nation grappling with pervasive issues such as a fractured legal system and wavering religious convictions. Campau’s work observes the dissonance between the self-absorbed digital influencers and the widespread indifference to incessant violence. Through his lens, the chaotic cacophony of societal woes is captured, urging us to confront the eroding scaffolding of our communal values. This artistic endeavor pushes boundaries, transforming raw data into poignant visual metaphors that challenge the observer to reassess the current trajectory of American culture.

Campau’s visual metaphor of a once-thriving tree being dismantled underscores the pressing need for reform and unity. By illustrating a tree reduced to mere logs and ash, he highlights what happens when society ignores critical issues. This approach cleverly bypasses the polarizing realm of political discourse, focusing instead on shared concerns that traverse ideological divides. Campau presents a unifying call to action, attuned to invoking introspection and sparking dialogue. His artistry disrupts passivity, urging the populace to reengage with the pressing challenges of our time. As observers decode the layers of symbolism within his work, there remains a distinct challenge to rebuild and reimagine a society wherein hope outshines entropy.

I never talk politics on social media (or even with friends) as it usually leads to a heated discussion, hurt feelings, and a few “F” bombs. So, I decided to convey my thoughts through images. Whether you are liberal or conservative, we can all agree there are some major problems facing our country right now. Everything from government corruption, broken justice system, religion (or lack thereof), poor diet and nutrition, the shock value “look at me” YouTube generation, and how we have all become desensitized and almost apathetic in our response to hate crimes and mass shootings. I’m not here to get on a soapbox and say who is right or wrong, but to invoke a sense of urgency to make a change before it’s beyond repair. The images use a visual metaphor of a living tree being cut down, disassembled into logs, and burned to the point where it has little to no value.

Mike Campau

More info: WebsiteBehanceInstagram.

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Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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