Cute paper plants in miniature by Raya Sader Bujana

Barcelona-based Lebanese-Venezuelan artist and designer Raya Sader Bujana was firstly a student of architecture, but, when she was close to graduate, she came around to her love for paper art and gave up to carry on with that career field. Now, her art pieces enchant people with their beauty, delicacy and fine details.

As an artist using paper as a primary medium, I’ve come to define my work as something between illustration and sculpture, with a strong focus on details and care at the heart of it all. My background in architecture comes through in my visual approach to composition, use of color, texture, volume, light, and sometimes subject matter.

Raya Sader Bujana

More info: Website, Behance, Etsy, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.

Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 3
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 5
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 6
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 1
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 2
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 4
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 7
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 8
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 9
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 10
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 11
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 12
Cute Paper Plants In Miniature By Raya Sader Bujana 13
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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