Constructal: self-portraits embroidered with anatomical figures by Juana Gómez

The intricate art of Juana Gómez stands as a testament to the profound connection between human anatomy and the patterns found in nature. In her series “Constructal”, Gómez embroiders her black and white self-portraits with a network of anatomical figures, from the delicate intricacies of the nervous system to the robust structure of bones.

Her work is a dialogue between the microcosm of individual existence and the macrocosm of the natural world, exploring how the same patterns that guide the branching of trees and the flow of rivers also navigate the pathways of our internal biology. Gómez’s art is not just a visual feast but a narrative of inheritance, memory, and the fundamental laws that bind us to the earth and to each other.

My work arises from the observation of nature and the processes that determine how both living beings and the inorganic world are structured and built. There is fundamental law that can be seen in the veins of a leaf, the course of rivers and their tributaries, the circuits of the central nervous system, the currents of the sea and the routes of traffic on the Internet. Deciphering this common language, which connects the micro cosmos with the macro cosmos, the external and the interior world, allows us to distinguish a pattern that influences inert, biological, social and cultural systems. It affects us continuously, although we are barely conscious of its presence, and governs aspects as common as our movements through the city and others as personal as the symbols of our dreams. Its essence arises from the way things flow along the path of least resistance.

Juana Gómez

More info: Website, Instagram.

Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 1
Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 11
Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 2
Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 3
Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 4
Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 5
Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 6
Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 7
Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 8
Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 9
Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 10
Constructal Self Portraits Embroidered With Anatomical Figures By Juana Gomez 12
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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