Vivid saturated landscape paintings by Stephen Wong Chun Hei

Get delighted with this absolutely stunning selection of exuberant landscape paintings in vivid saturated colors by Stephen Wong Chun Hei, a talented painter and illustrator from Hong Kong.

I never try to capture just one moment in a landscape. The colours are ever-changing through time. This is the reason that the colours in my paintings are not realistic or naturalistic in appearance. I would like them to be more subjective. When I work on canvas, I also got the feeling of travel with every brushstroke and colour used.

Stephen Wong Chun Hei

More info: Website, Instagram (h/t: Colossal).

Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (1)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (2)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (3)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (4)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (5)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (6)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (7)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (8)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (9)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (10)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (11)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (12)
Vivid Saturated Landscape Paintings By Stephen Wong Chun Hei (13)
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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