Vibrant threads: lush embroidery hoop art of landscapes in vivid colors by Vera Shimunia

Russian artist Vera Shimunia, based in Saint Petersburg, has a remarkable talent for creating lush embroidery hoop art. Her landscapes are a riot of vibrant colors and diverse textures, capturing the essence of various sceneries with a particular focus on the sky’s changing colors, cloudy horizons, mountainous terrains, and flower fields. Shimunia’s work is a delightful blend of art and nature, each piece inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the embroidered beauty.

Shimunia draws inspiration from the natural world, translating its grandeur into the compact space of an embroidery hoop. Her pieces are not just visually appealing; they are a testament to the artist’s skill in using thread and needle to weave together scenes that feel both fantastical and true to life.

More info: Artsy, Instagram.

Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 1
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 2
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 3
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 4
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 5
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 6
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 7
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 8
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 9
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 10
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 11
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 12
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 13
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 14
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 15
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 16
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 17
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 18
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 19
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 20
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 21
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 22
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 23
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 24
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 25
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 26
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 27
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 28
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 29
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 30
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 31
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 32
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 33
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 34
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 35
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 36
Lush Embroidery Hoop Art Of Landscapes In Vivid Colors By Vera Shimunia 37
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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