Expressive embroidered portraits composed of colorful lines and stitches by Brenda Risquez

Brenda Risquez is a textile artist whose expressive embroidered portraits have garnered attention for their vibrant use of color and texture. Her work is characterized by a deliberate use of texture, density, and color, creating bold portraits that are inspired by friends and pop culture icons. Risquez’s technique involves varying patches of long, single-stitch rows and rounded tufts that map onto the subjects’ faces, often highlighted with pronounced, single-hued cheeks.

These hoop-bound portraits are not only expressive but also dotted with playful elements, such as jaws outlined in pink or highlights stitched in bright, geometric shapes. With a background in Fine Arts and Textile Art, Risquez has developed a unique style that has been featured in various art publications and is available for commissions.

More info: Behance, Facebook, Instagram.

Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 1
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 2
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 3
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 4
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 5
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 6
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 7
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 8
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 9
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 10
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 11
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 12
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 13
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 14
Expressive Embroidered Portraits Composed Of Colorful Lines And Stitches By Brenda Risquez 15
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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