Classical architecture carved into stones and marble blocks by Matthew Simmonds

British artist Matthew Simmonds is fascinated by classical and sacred architecture and, as an ode to them, carves intricate realistic interiors into dense stones and marble blocks.

Making a play of architectural spaces on a small scale, the solid stone into which the sculptures are carved is opened up to reveal intricate internal worlds in which the changing viewpoint and light play a strong role in defining the sculptures. Inspired by a life-long fascination of stone buildings, and drawing on skills learnt as an architectural stone carver, Simmonds’ work takes stone architecture, and particularly sacred architecture, as a central theme. Drawing on the formal language and philosophy of architecture the work explores themes of positive and negative form, the significance of light and darkness and the relationship between nature and human endeavour.

Matthew Simmonds

More info: Website.

Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 1
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 2
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 3
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 4
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 5
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 6
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 7
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 8
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 9
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 10
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 11
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 12
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 13
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 14
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 15
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 16
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 17
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 18
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 19
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 20
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 21
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 22
Classical Architecture Carved Into Stones And Marble Blocks By Matthew Simmonds 23
Leandro Lima
Leandro Lima
CEO-founder of Visualflood. A Brazilian fine art photographer, among other things, who loves visual arts, nature, science, and innovative technologies.

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