Mark Gagne, a multi-media illustrator hailing from Ontario, Canada, embarked on a creative journey during the challenging days of 2020, leading to the inception of his series ‘Inked Photography.’ This engaging collection exhibits a whimsical mix of adorable and eerie creatures that come alive within somber landscape photographs, capturing the imagination with their enigmatic presence. Driven by a desire to channel personal anxieties through artistry, Gagne masterfully combines the elements of illustration and photography to explore the haunting beauty of the world’s shadowed forests and unknown beings. His work prompts reflection on the unseen corners of our existence, where fantasy and reality intermingle, prompting awe and curiosity about what might linger just beyond our perception.
Gagne’s artistry serves not only as an outlet for self-expression but also as a subtle critique of the environmental challenges facing our planet. Each piece, with its fantastical creatures, acts as a visual narrative that contemplates the consequences of human actions on nature. Through this interplay of ink and image, Gagne imagines a world where mystical beings might express discontent with ecological harm, encouraging us to reconsider our relationship with the environment. His imaginative creations thus serve as both a form of escapism and a gentle reminder of our collective responsibility towards the Earth. In a world where reality often feels daunting, Gagne’s ‘Inked Photography’ offers a unique escape into the unknown, urging us to ponder the mysteries of both art and the natural world.
I’m a multi-media illustrator from Ontario, Canada, and during the last couple of months, I’ve been blending my two favorite mediums together into this series I call “Inked Photography.” A few things inspired me to create this series: First, to channel my anxiety into a new artistic area of expression. So many of us are struggling to cope with this tumultuous year, and art is my therapy. Second, I’ve always been fascinated with the deep dark forests of the world and the strange creatures that might dwell within. Who knows what lurks beyond the veil of our reality? Third, to perhaps make some statement with these creatures about how we’ve made a real mess of this planet. If these creatures did exist, I can’t imagine they’d be very pleased with the damage we’ve done.
Mark Gagne
More info: Website, Instagram.