Manami Sasaki, a talented Japanese artist and designer, has redefined the humble slice of bread into a canvas for imaginative expressions. During the COVID-19 lockdown, she transformed her quarantine routine into a delightful ritual of culinary creativity, using toast as her medium. Her passion for toast art was born from the solitary confines of her home, where mornings turned into vibrant showcases of colors and textures. With a penchant for both fruits and vegetables, Sasaki masterfully constructs intricate designs that transcend typical breakfast fare. Her vibrant creations challenge the perception of food, reflecting a harmony of aesthetic appeal and sensory delight where each morning becomes an unveiling of edible artistry.
What began as a simple endeavor to bring joy to the start of her day has grown into a unique art form that balances the beauty of natural ingredients with minimalistic elegance. Drawing from her extensive design background, Sasaki’s artworks are carefully curated to highlight the inherent colors, shapes, and aromas of her chosen elements. Her exploration encompasses the transitions in texture and tones of her ingredients once toasted, providing a multi-sensory experience that goes beyond mere consumption. Sasaki’s toast masterpieces invigorate the ordinary, celebrating everyday ingredients in a form that nourishes both body and soul, offering a moment of artistic reflection in the routine of daily life.
I was getting cooped up during quarantine and decided to create a habit that makes me want to look forward to getting up early in the morning. (…) Toast is a very easy medium to use because you can put both fruits and vegetables on it. I want to explore the many possibilities within the framework of toast. (…) The elements are narrowed down to attractively convey the beauty of the colour and shape of the food, the smell to stimulate the appetite, and the changes in the ingredients after they are baked.
Manami Sasaki
More info: Instagram, YouTube (h/t: Elle, Designboom, Fubiz).